Administrative Business Technology-Legal (Cert.)

Administrative Business Technology-Legal (Cert.)

Administrative Business Technology – Legal (Cert.)
The legal option offers students the opportunity to learn skills in keyboarding, word processing, and legal office procedures. The legal curriculum concentrates in the areas of civil litigation, medical malpractice office procedures and documents, contracts, wills and probates, and real estate. In addition, students will learn about the Federal and New York Court Systems. Graduates are qualified to work in law firms, which are engaged in general or specialized practice in legal departments of large corporations, civil service, insurance companies, law publishers, and the courts. During the final semester, all students participate in a legal internship program. Students intern in law firms, in a legal area in a hospital or business, the Nassau County District Attorney's office, or in the Nassau County court system.

Course Descriptions: Online or PDF

ABT - Legal
Hegis Code: 5005

Total Credits: 34

First Semester Credits
ABT 106 Integrated Software Applications 6
ABT 127 Legal Office Procedures I 3
ABT 245 Administrative Management 3
ENG 100 Enhanced Composition I or
ENG 101 Composition I or
ENG 108 The Craft of Composition / Honors English I(1)
LAW 103 Business Law I or
LAW 105 Introduction to Current Law or
LAW 201 The Nature and Functions of Law
Total Semester Credits 18
Second Semester Credits
ABT 128 Legal Office Procedures II 3
ABT 129 Medical Malpractice Office Procedures 3
ABT 205 Administrative Business Technology Internship 3
HIT 161 Excel and Data Management for Healthcare Data Analytics 3
Total Semester Credits 12
Third Semester Credits
ABT 244 Business Writing 4
Total Semester Credits 4

Gainful Employment Disclosure Information

  1. Depending on placement

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