Criminal Justice (A.S.)

Criminal Justice (A.S.) - Students choosing this program will be prepared for further study in the areas of criminal justice, law, public administration, sociology, or government. The program is best suited for those students planning to transfer to a four-year school, but is often used for entry-level positions in the criminal justice system. All criminal justice majors are required to take at least one class in each of the following areas: Policing, Probation/Parole, Security Administration, in addition to CRJ 105 Foundations of the Justice System, CRJ 212 Probation and Parole II and CRJ 225 Criminal Law.

Course Descriptions: Online or PDF

Criminal Justice
A.S. Program
Hegis Code: 5505

Total Credits: 62

First Semester Credits
CRJ 105 (req.) Foundations of the Justice System 3
CRJ Elective: Police Area of Concentration(1) 3
ENG 100 Enhanced Composition I or
ENG 101 Composition I or
ENG 108 The Craft of Composition / Honors English(2)
Laboratory Science Elective(3) 4
SOC 201 Introduction to Sociology, or
CRJ 226 Criminal Procedure
Total Semester Credits 16
Second Semester Credits
CRJ 106 Understanding Criminal Behavior, or
PSY 203 General Psychology I
Criminal Justice Elective 3
CRJ Elective: PSA Area of Concentration(4) 3
ENG 102 Composition II or
ENG 109 The Art of Analysis / Honors English II
Laboratory Science Elective, or
Natural Science(3)
PED Activity Course(s) 1
Total Semester Credits 16
Third Semester Credits
CRJ 225 Criminal Law 3
CRJ Elective: Probation/Parole/Corrections Area of Concentration(5) 3
Humanities Elective(6) 3
Mathematics Elective(7) 3
PED Activity Course(s) 1
Social Science Elective(8) 3
Total Semester Credits 16
Fourth Semester Credits
CRJ 212 Research in Crime and Security 3
Criminal Justice Elective 3
HED Elective 2
Humanities Elective(9) 3
Social Science Elective(10) 3
Total Semester Credits 14
  1. Choose from:
    CRJ 101 Police Organization and Administration,
    CRJ 201 Criminal Investigation,
    CRJ 203 Police and the Community,
    CRJ 221 Police Supervision and Public Relations. 
  2. Depending on placement.
  3. Must satisfy the SUNY GE Natural Sciences Attribute. 
  4. PSA Area:
    PSA 111 Introduction to Security,
    PSA 121 Internal Security,
    PSA 211 Administration and Control of Private Security Force,
    PSA 224 Security and the Law,
    PSA 225 Introduction to Emergency Management,
    PSA 231 Arson Investigation Safety Management OSHA (Federal and State), or
    PSA 241 Research Problems in Security.
  5. Choose from:
    CRJ 110 Introduction to Correction,
    CRJ 111 Probation and Parole I,
    CRJ 112 Probation and Parole II,
    CRJ 113 Community Based Corrections,
    CRJ 215 Introduction to Juvenile Delinquency and Justice,
    CRJ 216 Investigation Interviewing and Counseling, 
    CRJ 217 Contemporary Issues in Corrections, or.
    CRJ 219 Sentencing Alternatives and the Juvenile Delinquent
  6. Must satisfy the NCC GEN ED Humanities Attribute AND
    SUNY GE Humanities Attribute.
  7. Must satisfy the SUNY GE Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning Attribute.
  8. Must satisfy the NCC GEN ED Social Sciences Attribute AND
    SUNY GE Social Sciences Attribute.
  9. Must satisfy the NCC GEN ED Humanities Attribute AND
    SUNY GE Arts Attribute.
  10. Must satisfy the NCC GEN ED Social Sciences Attribute AND
    SUNY GE US History Attribute.

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