Description: A survey of the retail industry. The economic importance and structure of retail organizations are studied for their function and interrelationships, operations and human resources. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a Offered: Summer
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Marketing & Retailing
Description: Visual merchandising of retailing goods; effective window and interior display; appropriate equipment and materials; color, lighting, and general arrangements. A hands-on and digital approach is utilized whereby students design and construct exterior and interior displays. Lab fee applies. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Marketing & Retailing
Description: This course covers the fundamentals of merchandising, markup and markdown, stock turnover, stock-sales ratio, retail method of inventory, open-to-buy, unit stock control, the merchandise plan, merchandising and the computer. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Marketing & Retailing
Description: Identification of fibers and fabrics, and analysis of construction of cloth to determine strength, durability and usefulness are included in this course. Methods and effects of finishing cloth. In addition, laws relating to the labeling and advertising of textiles and textile products are discussed. Geared to the needs of students who plan careers in apparel design, interior design, retailing, fashion marketing, and consumerism. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Marketing & Retailing
Description: The buying function in department stores, specialty stores, discount chain stores, independent stores and non-store retail formats will be studied. The buying activity and how it is affected by store organization, merchandise offered and store's dollar volume are examined in order to forecast and satisfy consumer needs. The buyer's role in merchandise planning and control, sourcing domestic and foreign supply chains are also explored in order to understand channels of distribution in relationship to retail image. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Marketing & Retailing
Prerequisites: Completion of all remedial courses needed prior to application, a minimum of 2.5 grade point average and completion of 15 or more credits. Permission of instructor required.
Description: This course provides qualified students an opportunity to learn selected methods and techniques involved in foreign buying. Independent research, a buying plan, and visits to major international cities are included. Special expenses for students' airfare, food, lodging, taxes, transfers, etc. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Marketing & Retailing
Description: This course provides students of retail business management with an analysis of the manager's function from the perspective of the first line operations manager. Lecture, case analysis using specific research techniques and field trips as appropriate, will be utilized to develop insight and problem solving skills for today's retail manager. Field trips to retail stores will concentrate on human resource and merchandising functions, customer service techniques and financial control. Additional transportation expenses may be required. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Marketing & Retailing
Prerequisites: Permission of Department Chairperson and/or Course Instructor.
Description: Students work for appropriate retail business firms to enrich the theoretical concepts previously developed in the classroom. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Marketing & Retailing