Prerequisites: All MAT, ENG 001 and RDG 001 developmental courses requirements must be compl
Description: Prerequisites: All MAT, ENG 001 and RDG 001 developmental courses requirements must be completed. This course provides the general liberal arts student with a non-technical overview of the roll that computing plays in today's world with a focus on new and emerging technologies. The lecture component discusses the role of computing in various disciplines and its impact on individuals, institutions and society. The hands-on approach allows the student to become familiar and comfortable with current developments in hardware and software technologies. Examples include Ardunio, an open source electronics platform, and App Inventor, a block language used to develop mobile applications. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a Offered: Fall, Spring
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG 001 and RDG 001 developmental course requirements prior to starting the course.
Description: An introduction to computers applying critical thinking and problem-solving strategies in science, mathematics and information/data management. The course will address issues of information validity and value judgments. Students will develop both qualitative and quantitative solutions to college-level applications. Topics include computer hardware and software, security, ethics, connectivity, basic networking, presentation software, and an introduction to programming algorithms. Students will have the opportunity to earn digital badges in Digital Competency and PowerPoint Introductory that can be shared with prospective employers via social media sites such as LinkedIn. Laboratory fee applies. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a Offered: Fall, Spring,
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG 001 and RDG 001 developmental course requirements prior to starting the course.
Description: This course is designed to provide students with fundamental concepts pertinent to the IT industry related to personal computers, computer hardware, and operating systems software. Students will learn how various hardware and software components work and best practices in maintenance, safety and security involved in the processing of data. Through lab activities, major emphasis is placed on learning how to assemble and configure computers, install operating systems and popular software packages, as well as troubleshooting hardware and software issues. Upon the completion of this course students will have covered topics found on the CompTIA A+ exam. (4.5 contact hours and 4 credits). Laboratory fee applies. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a Offered: Fall, Spring,
Credit Hours: 4
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG and RDG remediation requirements prior to starting the course.
Description: The course is an introduction to programming logic and problem solving including programming concepts and terminology. The focus of the course is on critical thinking skills necessary to write computer programs and provides students with an introduction to programming without focusing on the details of programming syntax. This course is intended for students with little or no object-oriented programming experience. (3 lecture hours) Laboratory fee applies. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-CMPS
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG 001 and RDG 001 developmental course requirements prior to starting the course.
Description: This course covers spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel, the most widely used spreadsheet software in business. Topics include formatting, formulas and functions, charts, tables, pivot tables, what-if analysis tools, multiple worksheets, power add-ins, specialized functions, and basic macros. It is designed for general liberal arts students interested in obtaining comprehensive hands-on training in Excel. Students will have the opportunity to earn digital badges in Excel Introductory and Excel Advanced that can be shared with prospective employers via social media sites such as Linkedln. (4.5 lecture hours). Laboratory fee applies. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a Offered: Fall, Winterim, Spring, Summer
Credit Hours: 4
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG 001 and RDG 001 developmental course requirements prior to starting the course.
Description: This course is an introduction to database processing for business and information systems. Emphasis is placed on the planning, administration, control, and design of database management systems. A database programming language (command files, report generator, and screen files) is also presented. It is suggested that students have previous microcomputing experience and/or programming experience (or CMP 101 and CMP 103) before enrolling in this course (4.5 lecture hours) Laboratory fee applies. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a Offered: On Occasion
Credit Hours: 4
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: At least a C in ITE 101 or CMP 103 or permission of Department. Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG and RDG remediation requirements prior to starting the course.
Description: This course is designed to acquaint the student with the interface, hardware, software, and the communications protocols necessary to utilize various information systems of both local and global networks. Topics include: installation of communications hardware and software, Local Area Networks (LAN), Wide Area Networks (WAN) and the internet, along with governance and structure of computer networks. Sites and domains, remote connections, file transfer protocols, electronic resources, navigation of remote domains and networks, networking security, societal impact and related issues will be covered. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: CMP 103, CMP 110 and CMP 210, or permission of the Department. Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG and RDG remediation requirements prior to starting the course.
Description: This course introduces the student to the essentials of developing multimedia presentations for on-line documentation and system tutorials. Various commercial computer hardware and software are employed throughout the course. Programming skills are utilized to combine video and audio, and text to compile effective and powerful presentations. Topics include programmatic animation, image and voice digitizing and their associated file formats, hypertext, system requirements, integration into other software products and presentation techniques. Laboratory fee applies. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG 001 and RDG 001 developmental course requirements prior to starting the course.
Description: This course introduces the role of computers and data processing in the business environment. Topics include: essential business computer concepts, computer hardware/software, modern business computer systems, the Internet, data communications, networking, and systems analysis and design. Electronic spreadsheets are used to emphasize business analysis and decision-making using computers. Students will not receive credit for both CMP 115 and CMP 117. Laboratory fee applies. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG 001 and RDG 001 developmental course requirements prior to starting the course.
Description: This course is designed to provide the business student with a broad-based background in the use of computer systems in business and industry. An overview of computer hardware and software concepts with their impact on business systems is an integral part of the course. Students are introduced to a variety of information systems and the development life cycle utilized in the private sector. The importance of networking structures and the analysis of data flow within business and management information systems (MIS) are covered. Use of the Internet for global electronic commerce is discussed. The hands-on component of the course provides students with substantial use of spreadsheet, database and presentation software to analyze data and solve real-life business problems. Students will be introduced to databases that exhibit the hierarchy of data and the relational database model. Students will not receive credit for both CMP 115 and CMP 117. Laboratory fee applies. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credit Hours: 4
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: Students must have satisified all MAT, ENG 001 and RDG 001 developmental course requirements prior to starting the course.
Description: SAS (Statistical Analysis System) is a complete programming language and is widely used in the Data Science field. This course is an introduction to writing SAS programs. The student will be introduced to accessing data, reading raw data files, formatting data values, using SAS functions, combining datasets, controlling input and output, using do loops and arrays, creating summary reports, creating detailed reports, and creating temporary and permanent datasets of all formats (text, csv, Excel, etc.) SAS software will be used extensively throughout the course. Offered: On Occasion
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG 001 and RDG 001 developmental course requirements prior to starting the course.
Description: Students are introduced to the basic concepts of operating systems and will study the similarities and differences between at least three current and popular architectures and user interfaces. Topics include shell languages, file structures, background processes, system software, including editors, and system utilities. These topics will be covered for each of the different systems. Theoretical concepts covered include multi-tasking, inter-process communication and system administration. Use of both written and on-line system documentation is required. Laboratory fee applies. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a Offered: On Occasion
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: At least a C in CMP 211. Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG and RDG remediation requirements prior to starting the course.
Description: Implementation and discussion of registers, addressing modes, relocatability, base arithmetic, data representation, assembly and linkage using a particular instruction set and architecture. Topics include arithmetic calculation, memory organization, flow of control, address modification and access methods, bit and byte manipulations, I/O, user and system interrupts, routines and macros. Intended for Computer Science majors (4.5 lecture hours) Laboratory fee applies. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a
Credit Hours: 4
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: CMP 103 and CMP 110, or permission of the Department. Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG and RDG remediation requirements prior to starting the course.
Description: This course is designed to cover fundamental and advanced concepts in network theory and system administration. Use of the network operating system in planning and management of directory services and network file systems are stressed. Additional topics include: management of devices, application software and mail systems, data communications, network security, setting up and maintaining user accounts, protecting network data, and network printing. This course contains knowledge units typically needed for professional certification. The lab portion of the course will incorporate a widely used network operating system (4.5 lecture hours). Students may be required to purchase compatible hard drives and/or slide trays. (Approximate cost: $125) Laboratory fee applies. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a
Credit Hours: 4
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: At least a C in CMP 208 or permission of the Department. Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG and RDG remediation requirements prior to starting the course.
Description: This course is designed to cover advanced concepts in network configuration and implementation. Topics include methods of installation, and upgrading of server operating system software along with implementation, merging and migration techniques. Configuration and applications of multiple protocols including, Web server and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) services, will also be discussed. This course contains knowledge units typically needed for professional certification. Students may be required to purchase compatible hard drives and/or slide trays. (Approximate cost: $125) Laboratory fee applies. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: At least a C in CMP 104 or equivalent, or prior programming experience including HS programming courses, or MAT 111 or equivalent including HS pre-calculus, or permission of department. Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG and RDG remediation requirements prior to starting the course.
Description: This course is an introduction to computer programming and algorithmic problem solving using an object-oriented, high-level programming language. Emphasis is placed on problem-solving strategies that utilize multiple classes and methods. This course will focus on the following concepts: algorithm implementation, modular development, documentation, abstraction and coding along with problem-solving strategies. Includes supervised hands-on component. (4 lecture, 2 laboratory hours) Laboratory fee applies. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-CMPS
Credit Hours: 4
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: At least a C in CMP 210. Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG and RDG remediation requirements prior to starting the course.
Description: This course expands on the design of object-oriented programs introduced in Computer Science I. Students will be introduced to abstract data types including stacks, queues, and lists. Emphasis is placed on the design and implementation of these abstract data types as well as applications that utilize them. Object-oriented programming concepts such as composition, inheritance, polymorphism, and exception handling are utilized throughout this course. An introduction to binary trees and recursion is provided. Includes supervised hands-on laboratory component. (4 lecture, 2 laboratory hours) Laboratory fee applies. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-CMPS
Credit Hours: 4
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: CMP 218 or CMP 219, and CMP 252. Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG and RDG remediation requirements prior to starting the course.
Description: This course is an introduction to computer programming using a GUI (Graphical User Interface) programming language. Business and information system applications are developed using Visual Basic. The course introduces the concepts of event-driven programming, terms, rules, and programming components. Laboratory fee applies. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: At least a C in CMP 211 or CMP 219 or CMP 218, or permission of the Department. Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG and RDG remediation requirements prior to starting the course.
Description: The C programming language is widely used in both the computer industry and as a tool for studying advanced topics in the area of Computer Science. Topics include language syntax, scalar and compound data types, pointers, functions, operators, modular coding practices and files. Both the ANSI version and traditional C are discussed with emphasis on the former. This course is designed to meet the needs of the student considering further study in the area of Computer Science and Information Processing, and the computer science professional. Laboratory fee applies. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: At least a C in ITE 154, or permission of Department. Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG and RDG remediation requirements prior to starting the course.
Description: As part of this course, students should avail themselves of further study and/or educational assistance available in the Computer Center in B225. Use of the resources in the Computer Centers is deemed an integral part of the course, and will help the student master necessary knowledge and skills. This course is an introduction to object-oriented programming using the Java programming language. Students will become familiar with the concepts of objects and classes, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation. Topics include creating graphical user interfaces, servlets, networking, and exception handling. Optional topics include applets and multi-threading. (4.5 lecture hours) Laboratory fee applies. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a
Credit Hours: 4
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: At least a C in CSC 130 or ITE 204 (or equivalent).
Description: This is a course in object-oriented design and programming using C++ and is intended for students who already have a firm understanding of the object-oriented paradigm including objects, classes, and inheritance. The topics presented prepare the student for advanced study in Computer Science and Information Systems. Topics include C++ basics, I/O streams, class definition, friend functions and operator overloading, dynamic memory allocation/deallocation, dynamic binding, and virtual functions. Laboratory fee applies. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a Offered: On Occasion
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: At least a C in CMP 207. Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG and RDG remediation requirements prior to starting the course.
Description: The fundamentals of computer systems are examined. Computer architecture and the many levels of software systems are studied. Topics include microarchitecture, microprogramming, conventional machine language, operating system software, assemblers, linkers and loaders, compilers and interpreters, codes and networks. A term project is directed in one of these areas. Intended for Computer Science majors. Fall evening and spring day only. Laboratory fee applies. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in CMP 211. Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG and RDG remediation prior to starting the course.
Description: Concepts, implementations, and applications of advanced data types and structures. Data structures presented include priority queues, hash tables, and search trees. Concepts covered include recursion, algorithm efficiency, best and worst time analysis, and advanced tree structures and graphs. Fall evening and spring day only. Laboratory fee applies. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: At least a C in ITE 154, or permission of Department. Students must have satisfied all MAT, ENG and RDG remediation requirements prior to starting the course.
Description: This course is an introduction to database processing for business. Emphasis is placed on the planning, administration, control and design of database systems. Students learn to develop applications using a popular DBMS software package. (4.5 lecture hours) Laboratory fee applies. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a
Credit Hours: 4
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Prerequisites: Permission of Department, approval by the Agency offering the internship, a minimum of 9 CMP credits, and a minimum GPA of 2.75.
Description: This is a course integrating classroom study with career related professional training in the area of Information Technology. The student will be placed in a corporation, small business or other setting related to the field of Information Technology and will gain work experience that enriches the theoretical concepts developed in the classroom. SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a
Credit Hours: 4
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec
Description: SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-n/a. Formerly CMP 699. Students who have completed CMP 699 will not receive credit for CMP 295.
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Math/Computer Science/Info Tec