Political Science

Political Science

POL 101 - Government and Politics in the Modern World

Description: This course compares and contrasts the major forms of government found in the contemporary world: democratic, authoritarian, and totalitarian. Illustrations and examples will be drawn from both Western and non-Western countries. A basic theme of the course will be the comparative advantages of democratic forms of government over the various alternatives found around the globe today. SUNY GE-SDES, SSBS, SWHI; SUNY GEN ED-GSBS, GOWC; NCC GEN ED-SBS, GLNW Offered: Summer

Credit Hours: 3
Department: Social and Behavioral Science

POL 111 - Nassau County: History and Government

Description: (Dual listed with HIS 140). A review of the development of what is now Nassau County from pre-Colonial times to the present day. Emphasis is placed upon the governmental-administrative structure of the county and the major problems facing urban-suburban communities. Field trips and guest speakers are utilized to complement class work. SUNY GE-SDES, SSBS, SUSC; SUNY GEN ED-GSBS; NCC GEN ED-SBS

Credit Hours: 3
Department: Social and Behavioral Science

POL 205 - Introduction to American Politics

Description: An exploration of some of the significant areas and issues of contemporary American government and politics. Among the topics included are the scope of government activity in the United States today, the Constitution of the United States, and the evolution and operation of such political institutions as the Presidency, Congress, the Supreme Court and the political parties. SUNY GE-SDES, SSBS, SUSC; SUNY GEN ED-GSBS; NCC GEN ED-SBS Offered: Summer

Credit Hours: 3
Department: Social and Behavioral Science

POL 206 - State and Local Government

Description: An introduction to the essential principles of American state and local government, with special emphasis on New York State, New York City and its suburbs. Among the specific topics covered are Federal-state relations, state constitutions and government structures, and the key issues of contemporary state, city and county politics. SUNY GE-SDES, SSBS, SUSC; SUNY GEN ED-GSBS; NCC GEN ED-SBS

Credit Hours: 3
Department: Social and Behavioral Science

POL 208 - Introduction to Public Policy

Description: An examination of the substantive issues of public policy such as taxation, welfare and poverty, military spending, energy, the environment, federalism, criminal justice, health care, education, and civil liberties. The background to each subject, the evolution of the present day governmental policy, and alternatives to present policy are presented along with evaluations of present policies. While the primary focus in on the national level, the state and local level is examined. A secondary focus is on methods, models, and the legal aspects of the policy making process. SUNY GE-SDES, SSBS, SUSC; SUNY GEN ED-GSBS; NCC GEN ED-SBS

Credit Hours: 3
Department: Social and Behavioral Science

POL 209 - The U.S. Presidency

Description: A comprehensive multidimensional study of the Institution of the Presidency, its evolution politically, administratively, and legally. The causes, effects, and dilemmas of the growth and power of the executive branch and the tension between an enhanced President and the Congress constitute a key perspective. Presidential politics in its electoral and policy foundation aspects will be highlighted. The President's role in the economy and as a mass media communicator will be explored. SUNY GE-SDES, SSBS, SUSC; SUNY GEN ED-GSBS; NCC GEN ED-SBS

Credit Hours: 3
Department: Social and Behavioral Science

POL 210 - The U.S. Congress

Description: The course will describe the legal structure, Constitutional powers, internal work rules and procedures, and the political dynamics of the Congress within the context of the American Federal political scheme. Special emphasis will be placed upon Congressional interactions with the coordinate branches of government as well as with external factors, such as interest groups and public opinion. SUNY GE-SDES, SSBS, SUSC; SUNY GEN ED-GSBS; NCC GEN ED-SBS

Credit Hours: 3
Department: Social and Behavioral Science

POL 260 - International Relations

Description: Basic themes of the course are the causes of war and the prospects for peace in the modern world. Among the topics covered are the nature of modern warfare and the impact of nuclear weapons, the East-West struggle, the Third World, diplomacy and espionage as instruments of foreign policy, and the search for world order through international law and the United Nations. SUNY GE-SDES, SSBS, SWHI; SUNY GEN ED-GSBS; GOWC; NCC GEN ED-SBS, GLNW Offered: Summer

Credit Hours: 3
Department: Social and Behavioral Science

POL 261 - Modern Political Ideologies

Description: A survey of the major political ideologies of the world today-fascism, communism, socialism and democracy. Selected readings from the works of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Mussolini, Jefferson and Locke are used to supplement class lectures. The course offers students an understanding of the political ideas that have shaped the 20th century. SUNY GE-SDES, SSBS, SWHI; SUNY GEN ED-GSBS; NCC GEN ED-SBS

Credit Hours: 3
Department: Social and Behavioral Science

POL 295 - Independent Study-Political Science

Description: SUNY GEN ED-n/a; NCC GEN ED-SBS. Formerly POL 699. Students who have completed POL 699 will not receive credit for POL 295.

Credit Hours: 3
Department: Social and Behavioral Science

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