Social & Behavioral Sciences

OFFICE: Building G, Room 155, 516.572.7181

CHAIRPERSON: Dr. Rosemary DeRiso,

COURSES OFFERED: Economics (ECO), Finance (FIN), Interdisciplinary Global Studies (IGS), Sociology (SOC), Human Services (HMS), Anthropology (ANT), Psychology (PSY)

The department provides a bridge between the liberal arts and business programs by offering fundamental survey courses to satisfy the degree requirements of both social science and business students. The department's courses provide an understanding of the origins, characteristics, and functions of economic and financial systems. The courses will enable students to develop critical thinking skills while studying the structure and dynamics of the U.S. and global economies. Economic and financial analyses are used to examine individual, business, and public sector decision-making to ascertain how these decisions impact society.

Liberal arts and non-business students who wish to gain an overview of the economic and financial system in one semester should take Survey of Economics (ECO 100) or any other general theory courses such as: Personal Finance (ECO 110/FIN 110), Introduction to Finance (ECO 111/FIN 111), Economic Development of the United States (ECO 215), Economics of the Developing World (ECO 216), Economic Geography of the World(ECO 222), and History of Economic Thought (ECO 280).

Students who plan to pursue a Baccalaureate degree in Economics, Finance, or Business should begin their studies by taking Principles of Macroeconomics (ECO 207) and Principles of Microeconomics (ECO 208), both of which provide a foundation for more advanced study in economics and finance. Then, after faculty advisement, students may choose from the following: Introduction to Investments (ECO 112 / FIN 112), Economic Statistics (ECO 212), Money and Banking (ECO 213/FIN 213), Corporate Finance (ECO 214/FIN 214), Economics Development of the United States (ECO 215), Economics of the Developing World (ECO 216), Economic Geography of the World (ECO 222), Introduction to International Economics and Finance (ECO 230/FIN 230), History of Economic Thought (ECO 280), and Cooperative Education Internship (ECO 294/FIN 294). Students wishing to pursue study at the Baccalaureate level in economics or finance should consult an advisor in the Department of Economics and Finance.

Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work are disciplines that encourage students to think actively about their role in the world, and about the social forces that shape the human experience, thus increasing their ability to live their best lives. Our courses explore the kinds of questions that arise as soon as we start to look more closely at the world around us. What is the relationship between the individual, the community, and the society? Why do societies and cultures develop differently from one another? Why is there economic and social inequality within the United States and between nations? What are the most effective ways to solve social problems like crime, poverty, violence, or addiction? What social forces shape our ability to live healthy lives? What kinds of struggles do typical families face today? How are important elements of identity like gender, ethnicity, race, class, sexuality, socially constructed? And perhaps the biggest questions of all: How can we change the world we live in?

Sociology and anthropology courses are designed to meet the needs of general liberal arts and social science students as well as those planning to pursue sociology or anthropology majors at the baccalaureate level and beyond. Students wishing to pursue study at the baccalaureate level in sociology, anthropology or social work should see departmental advisors.

Human services courses are designed to help students explore career options within social work and human services. Students wishing to pursue our Human Service programs should speak with a departmental advisor.

In the field of psychology, fundamental survey courses are offered to fit the needs of all students. Those desiring to specialize are provided with patterns of preprofessional courses designed to satisfy the requirements of transfer colleges. Elective offerings provide further study in psychology for those seeking careers in counseling and teaching. Students wishing to pursue study at the baccalaureate level in these subjects should see departmental advisors.

The following curricula are offered by this department:

Human Services: Community Service and Social Welfare (A.A.): This program leads to the Associate of Arts degree and is designed for those students who intend to transfer to a baccalaureate program in social work or a related human services field. The program includes a broad variety of required and elective courses in community service (social-work oriented courses), social sciences, humanities, literature, science and math, and addictions. Various articulation agreements are in place for successful graduating students.

Case Management (Cert.): The purpose of the Case Management Certificate program is to produce human services professionals who can enhance the provision of services to a wide variety of clientele through proficiency in case management skills, as well as to enhance students’ career and employment prospects. To Our Veterans: This Program is pending approval by Veterans Administration.

Disability Studies (A.A): The Disability Studies (A.A.) explores disability from historical, cultural, philosophical, psychological and socio-political perspectives and from multiple disciplinary -and interdisciplinary- angles. Job opportunities may be found in developmental or physical disability service agencies, independent living centers, mental health centers, schools, geriatric and vocational rehabilitation agencies. It may also lead to employment in organizations promoting disability rights, advocacy and activism. Graduates are prepared to work effectively with individuals with many different disabilities, disorders, or conditions. Credits earned may be applied toward a B.A. in Disability Studies, Psychology or related fields.

Disability Studies (Certificate): The Disability Studies Certificate is designed to prepare students for a career in the field of disability service. Students will gain the theoretical knowledge and practical skills that will allow them to effectively provide services that meet the unique needs of individuals with disabilities across the life-span. Courses in the program assist students in developing an understanding and knowledge of disabilities that take into consideration the individual with a disability, societal influences, the environmental setting and the mandates of disability law. Students will also learn to employ assessment techniques, programming strategies, goal planning, and life-skills training that support self-advocacy, productivity and community inclusion for individuals with developmental disabilities across the life span.

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