
OFFICE: Bradley Hall, Room 13, 516.572.7185

CHAIRPERSON: Kim Flugmacher Ballerini, M.A., M.S., M.S., Kim.Ballerini@ncc.edu 

COURSES OFFERED: English (ENG): The English Department aims to improve students’ abilities in critical thinking, information literacy, writing in the disciplines, creative writing, and the reading, discussing, analyzing and aesthetic appreciation of the varied genres of the literary arts. English is a desirable major concentration of undergraduate study for education, law, publishing, advertising and public relations, government service, journalism, creative writing, and other language-related fields. English is usefully combined as a minor concentration with premedical and other science-related fields.

The following curricula are offered by this Department:

Creative Writing (A.A.) - The A.A. in Creative Writing provides students with knowledge and skills that will prepare them for a career in writing. The curriculum is also appropriate for students continuing onto a four-year institution where they may complete a Bachelor’s degree with a major in Creative Writing. After successfully completing ENG 102 Composition II or its honors counterpart ENG 109 The Art of Analysis/Honors English II requirement, students may pursue their creative writing interest in the following courses:

Composition and Writing as a Craft

Composition I focuses on essay writing, research, citation, and the critical analysis of texts. Four courses meet this requirement:

  • ENG 100 Enhanced Composition I
  • ENG 100 ESL - Enhanced Composition I for English Language Learners
  • ENG 101 Composition I
  • ENG 108 The Craft of Composition / Honors English I

Composition II further develops the study and practice in composition and citation by analyzing literary works. Three courses meet this requirement:

Additionally, students who seek to strengthen their grasp of language and writing in other ways can enroll in the following composition or creative writing electives:

Writing as a Craft

English (A.A.) - The A. A. in English provides individuals with the skills in critical thinking, communication, and cultural understanding required for professional, academic, and personal success in the 21st century. The curriculum serves students continuing to four-year institutions to complete a bachelor’s degree with a major in English; the AA degree in English is also usefully paired with many other majors.

Composition, Language, and the Writing Process: 
Composition I focuses on essay writing, research, citation, and the critical analysis of texts. Four courses meet this requirement:

  • ENG 100 Enhanced Composition I
  • ENG 100 ESL - Enhanced Composition I for English Language Learners
  • ENG 101 Composition I
  • ENG 108 The Craft of Composition / Honors English I

Composition II further develops the study and practice of composition and citation by analyzing literary works. Two courses meet this requirement:

  • ENG 102 Composition II
  • ENG 109 The Art of Analysis/Honors English II

For further development in the technical, business, and scientific aspects of writing, we offer the following courses you may use as electives:

Survey and Period

  • ENG 203 Early American Literature to 1865
  • ENG 204 Modern American Literature: 1865 to Present
  • ENG 205 Early English British Literature to 1800
  • ENG 206 Modern British Literature from 1800 to 1950

Major Genre and Author

Conventions of the Discipline

  • ENG 105 Grammar: Structure and Strategy
  • ENG 225 Introduction to Linguistics and Semantics I
  • ENG 271 Psychoanalytic Approaches to Literature

Literature and Identity

Developmental and ESL Support
For students whose writing placement indicates a need for a developmental course, the English Department offers WRT 001 Foundations of Writing.  The Department also offers ENG 001 College Preparatory English as a co-requisite to ENG 101 Composition I to form an Accelerated Learning Program (ALP) through which students meet with the same instructor for ENG 001 College Preparatory English and ENG 101 Composition I for five hours weekly. ENG 001 College Preparatory English supports the work of ENG 101 Composition I through small classes and lab work. By passing both courses, students fulfill their developmental writing requirement and earn 3 credits in Basic Communication toward their General Education requirements. Students must place higher than RDG 001 Individualized Reading and Study Improvement to enroll in ALP. 

All matriculated students placing into RDG 001 Individualized Reading and Study Improvement and/or RDG 002 Reading and Studying College Texts, are required to enroll in these courses in their first semester of attendance. The Department offers RDG 002 as a Gateway Pairing (a co-requisite that pairs RDG 002 Reading and Studying College Texts with a variety of 3-credit introductory courses across the disciplines). Students are required to complete their non-credit classes successfully before being permitted to register for the next level of courses. Successful completion of each course is required. If RDG 001 Individualized Reading and Study Improvement is the original placement, RDG 002 Reading and Studying College Texts is required unless the student is exempted by meeting Departmental standards. 

For English Language Learners the English Department offers:
RDG 030  Rdg ESL 3 - Reading and Study for the Foreign Student: This 4-hour weekly non-credit course is designed for students who demonstrate a need to develop mastery of college-level reading and study skills.

ENG 030 English as a Second Language (ESL Writing III): This 6-hour weekly, non-credit course prepares non-native speakers of English to advance in the college-level writing required for work in all disciplines.

ENG 001 ESL - College Preparatory English for English Language Learners: For students whose placement indicates intensive work in English language acquisition (particularly in writing), this specialized form of ENG 001 works with small class groups to prepare students to develop skills for college-level essays.

Writing Center
The English Department's Writing Center is open to NCC students of all levels interested in improving their writing in any discipline. Faculty members offer individualized and group instruction in expository and creative writing, research and documentation, and basic grammar and usage. ESL students receive assistance in language development and learning. Tutoring can also take place at a networked computer or online by e-mail. In addition, students are welcome to use the Department's computer lab for word processing and internet research.

Scholarships in the English Department
Seven scholarships specific to the English Department are available to students transferring to a four-year college.

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