Special Programs

We have many outstanding special programs to meet the needs of our students.

The Fresh Start Program allows a student who has not been in attendance at Nassau Community College for three years (six fall-spring semesters) to remove from the grade point average grades lower than “C” earned during his/her previous attendance.

  1. In all credit bearing courses taken after re-entry and before acceptance into the program, the Fresh Start candidate must receive a grade of “C” or higher. Therefore, a candidate is urged to carefully review his/her schedule and not to overextend his/her commitments. For non-credit courses, a grade of “S” must be achieved.
  2. The Fresh Start candidate may apply for Fresh Start during the semester in which he/she expects to complete twelve (12) credits after re-entry.
  3. The Fresh Start candidate must successfully complete twelve (12) credits of study within two academic years after re-entry in order for his/her application to be approved.
  4. Acceptance into Fresh Start will be granted only once.
  5. The Fresh Start candidate will be permitted withdrawal (“W”) grades only if he/she has an extenuating circumstance such as a medical or personal emergency authorized and accepted by the Dean of Students.
  6. The Fresh Start Policy does not supersede existing ESL policies and programs. A student placed in an ESL courses as a result of the College’s placement test must satisfactorily complete the program’s requirements before Fresh Start status can be considered.
  7. The Fresh Start Policy does not supersede departmental admission policies.
  8. The Fresh Start Policy does not supersede College dismissal policies. (See College catalog section on dismissal policy and dismissal appeal procedures.)
  9. The Fresh Start policy does not prevent a student from repeating courses in order to secure a higher grade in those courses.
  10. The guidelines set forth in the Fresh Start Policy cannot be waived.

Application Procedure for Fresh Start:

  1. A student may apply for Fresh Start status during the semester in which he/she expects to complete the twelve credits described in parts two and three of the policy guidelines noted above. Provided that all criteria for the policy have been met, Fresh Start status will be officially granted by the Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee. The Registrar’s Office will notify the student of approval via the student’s College email account.
  2. Where to submit an Application: The Academic Advisement Office, located in the Student Services Center. Please see our website for hours of operation.

Completed applications may also be mailed to: Fresh Start Program, Academic Advisement Center, Nassau Community College, Garden City, NY 11530-6793.

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Carol Farber HONORS Program
Honors classes are offered for academically advanced students who are invited to participate based on their high school grades. Those completing Honors courses will have an “Honors” designation entered on their transcripts. Honors students are enrolled in a special core curriculum which features an enriched background in English, the humanities, math, sciences, social sciences and electives. Students may also elect Honors courses in certain subjects only. All Honors courses fulfill the requirements for any Associate Degree. Students in all majors will have the opportunity to meet with a special advisor to develop a plan of study which includes Honors courses and maximizes their ability to develop their full potential. To be considered for Honors at Nassau, applicants must rank in the top 20 percent of their high school graduating class and must have completed three years of Regents English, Regents mathematics, and Regents science, demonstrating consistently high grades in each. Students may also be required to meet additional criteria determined by the Coordinator of the Honors Program. To apply for Honors, check the designated box on the College’s application for admission. For further information, contact the Honors office at 516.572.7194, or the Office of Admissions.

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The College offers a number of special courses and programs in English as a Second Language (ESL) for students interested in academic, personal, or professional growth.

For new matriculated ESL students, the College ESL Program provides separate course work in the areas of writing, reading, and speaking/listening at the advanced (030) level of instruction. Courses are given at convenient times during the daytime, in the evenings, and on weekends. For descriptions of ESL courses, consult the listings in this catalog under English (ENG), Reading (RDG) and Communications (COM).

Placement is determined by the ESL Placement Test. The test has three components: an essay exam, a reading test, and a listening exam. Students will be given an appointment to take the test.

In order to fulfill the College’s ESL requirements, ESL students must pass or be placed out of English ENG 030, Reading RDG 030, and Communications COM 030. Successful completion of this course work will demonstrate that students have the skills necessary to continue with academic course work in a wide range of disciplines, and work toward a degree or certificate in a selected major, career or vocation.

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NCC offers a variety of distance education courses to meet the needs of students. These instructional options are listed on the the College's website.  

The successful completion of distance education courses requires a strong commitment and the discipline to stay on-task. Interaction is an important aspect of the online classroom, and the instructor may have students participate in activities such as discussion forums, chat rooms, and group projects. Distance education is not an easier way to attend classes but it can provide students with a very rewarding and worthwhile learning experience.

For more information regarding Distance Education courses, please call the Office of Distance Education at 516.572.7883 or email at Distance.ed@ncc.edu.

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Weekends are a prime time for learning at Nassau Community College. Weekend College offers students the opportunity to work towards degrees and certificates by taking classes on Friday evenings, on Saturdays and Sundays in the fall and spring semesters, and on Saturdays and Sundays during the summer. Any student may take Weekend College classes to customize his/her class schedule and to meet individual needs.

Weekend College, combined with on-line courses, enables students, and especially busy adults, to pursue courses in popular programs  including Liberal Arts, Criminal Justice, Business, Accounting, Interior Design, Computer Repair Technology, Marketing, Retailing, and Administrative Business Technology.

Students interested in satisfying program requirements for competitive allied health degrees find weekends an ideal time to work towards goals.

Weekend College enables students to advance their studies and reach their educational and career goals in an efficient and convenient fashion. Weekend College students can enjoy the opportunities Nassau provides to all students to earn credits by taking online courses. Weekend College is a key component of NCC’s educational outreach and service to the community. Students interested in Weekend College follow the same admission processes and academic policies as all students at Nassau.

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Students currently enrolled do not have to submit an application for summer attendance. A student is considered continuing if they have enrolled anytime during the past 4 semesters. Others must complete an application with the application fee for new or visiting students or the re-admit fee for returning students.

Summer course offerings are available online. The vast range of general courses available during the fall and spring semesters is usually available in the summer. Since Nassau’s continuing students can register for summer sessions during the spring, some courses will be filled before returning, new or visiting students have the opportunity to register. For this reason, visiting summer students should prepare several course alternatives.

Visiting students attending Nassau Community College for the summer session only, and who are matriculated at other colleges, may register with the written permission of their home institution.

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FRESHMAN SEMINAR (NCC 101, The College Experience)
NCC 101, a one credit course, serves as an introduction to college life. It is designed to give students the skills and information necessary to be successful in college.

NCC 101 helps freshmen improve their study skills, become familiar with campus resources, develop positive relationships with faculty, make informed choices about classes and careers, understand the goals and expectations of higher education, and in general, make the most of their college experience. The course also introduces freshmen to a faculty member who, if students wish, will serve as their mentor in subsequent semesters.

Most sections meet once a week for 75 minutes. However, the course is offered in other formats, including hybrid online, summer, departmental, and learning communities sections.

For more information about NCC 101: The College Experience, please call 516.572.7506.

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N SINCC, the New Student Initiative at NCC, is part of the Learning Communities offerings. It provides students opportunities to take paired courses that fulfill degree requirements and explore new interests. These courses, linked by a common theme or content, present a coherent and enriched curriculum. The instructors in the linked courses coordinate their assignments and discussions. Students work together and are encouraged to form study groups, creating a friendly and supportive environment.

For more information, contact Joyce Stern, Coordinator of the Learning Communities Program at 516.572.9885.

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International Student Services
Applicants who will require a student (F-1) visa should contact the Office of International Student Services for information on applying. F-1 applicants must complete the International Admissions Application and submit the forms necessary to obtain a Form I-20, which is required to apply for an F1 visa or status. The Form I-20 will not be issued until a student has completed the application process and has been accepted for full-time study.

International Student Services also provides continuous immigration guidance and support services throughout an international student's program. Services include advisement related to F1 status maintenance, travel/consular issues, health insurance program and working on and off campus and more.

For more information, contact the Office of International Student  Services at 516.572.7053, or via e-mail at isaoff@ncc.edu. Information and application materials can be found on the International Student Services webpage.

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Study Abroad Programs for NCC Students
Our students have access to a variety of study abroad programs and courses offered through NCC, the State University of New York (SUNY), and the College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS). The College offers short-term study abroad courses during the winter and summer sessions. Departments offering study abroad courses include Biology, Criminal Justice, Hospitality Business, Legal Studies and Marketing/Retailing/Fashion. Locations of these courses include Africa, Europe, Central America, and the Pacific Rim. Semester or year-long programs can be taken while in attendance at NCC via SUNY schools or CCIS.

To be eligible to participate in short-term study abroad programs, students must have completed 15 credits, 24 credits for semester and year-long programs. All students must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Most study abroad courses and programs are eligible for financial aid funding if a student qualifies for State and/or Federal financial assistance. For more information on any of these programs, contact the Study Abroad at 516.572.7506.

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Reserve Officer Training
Qualified full-time Nassau Community College students may participate in the Army or Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps program at a nearby university on a cross-enrolled basis. Students may enter the ROTC program at any time prior to completing their sophomore year. There is no obligation to complete the ROTC program until the start of the junior year.

Undergraduate participants may compete for full scholarships, which include tuition, books, fees, and a monthly stipend of $250 (up to ten months of each school year). The basic course takes only one hour a week. For further information, contact the Professor of Military Science 516.463.5648 at Hofstra University for the Army ROTC, and Department of the Air Force 718. 862.7201 at Manhattan College for the Air Force ROTC

Service Members Opportunity College (SOC)
Sponsored by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities and the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges, Service Members Opportunity College institutions offer active-duty military personnel evaluation of transfer credit and flexible degree program requirements. The College uses the American Council on Education (ACE) guidelines to award credit for military courses, training, and experience, and awards credits for nationally recognized testing programs. For more information, contact the Office of Registrar.

Concurrent Admissions Program (CONAP)
The CONAP program was created to increase the College enrollment of Army veterans with GI Bill® education benefits after their separation from the service. Under this program, eligible Army enlistees will be admitted to the College concurrently with their enlistment. This deferred admissions agreement is good for up to two years after completion of two or three years active duty. For further information, contact the Office of Admissions or a local military recruitment office.

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GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.

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