Prerequisites: HIT 101 and HIT 154 (with a grade of C or better in each course) or permission of the Chairperson.
Concurrent Requisite: HIT 260 and HIT 270 (with a grade of C or better) or permission of the Chairperson. Cannot be taken in the same semester with HIT 258.
This course is supervised work experience that provides students with exposure to health information management practices in a hospital, physician's office, clinic or other healthcare setting with directed projects common to the typical responsibilities of a health information technologist/medical records specialist. Students are introduced to health information management and medical records procedures through observation, study and work. Weekly seminars reinforce work experience. Student must be available to complete a 90-hour internship during normal business hours Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm. (2 lecture, 2 laboratory hours) Laboratory fee applies.
Offered: Spring
Credit Hours: 3
Department: Accounting and Business Admin