Course Search Results

Course Search Results For "HIT 258"

HIT 258 - Medical Coding Internship

Prerequisites: HIT 101, HIT 154, HIT 158 and HIT 171 (with a grade of C or better in each course) or permission of the Chairperson.

Description: Concurrent Requisite: HIT 272 (with a grade of C or better in each course) or permission of the Chairperson. Cannot be taken in same semester with HIT 278.
This course is a supervised work experience that provides students with exposure to coding practices in a hospital, physician's office, clinic or other healthcare setting with directed projects common to the typical coding tasks of a clinical coding specialist. Students are introduced to health information technology and coding procedures through observation, study and work. Weekly seminars reinforce work experience. Students must be available to complete a 90-hour internship during normal business hours Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Credit Hours: 3
Department: Accounting and Business Admin

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