Course Search Results

Course Search Results For "HIT 158"

HIT 158 - Reimbursement Methodologies

Prerequisites: HIT 156 (with a grade of C or better) or permission of the Chairperson.

Description: Concurrent Requisite: HIT 170 (with a grade of C or better) or permission of the Chairperson.
This course is designed to familiarize students with the basics of medical billing insurance reimbursement, and medical record documentation. The various types of prospective payment systems (PPS) used in health care reimbursement are discussed. Students complete billing, insurance and medical documentation forms, both manually and electronically. The course includes the study of the impact of federal legislation on health care reimbursement and an overview of the Federal Register. Laboratory fee applies.
Offered: Fall, Spring

Credit Hours: 3
Department: Accounting and Business Admin

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