Disability Studies (Cert.)

Disability Studies (Certificate)– The Disability Studies Certificate is designed to prepare students for a career in the field of disability service. Students will gain the theoretical knowledge and practical skills that will allow them to effectively provide services that meet the unique needs of individuals with disabilities across the life-span. Courses in the program assist students in developing an understanding and knowledge of disabilities that take into consideration the individual with a disability, societal influences, the environmental setting and the mandates of disability law. Students will also learn to employ assessment techniques, programming strategies, goal planning, and life-skills training that support self-advocacy, productivity and community inclusion for individuals with developmental disabilities across the life span.

Course Descriptions: Online or PDF

Disability Studies
Certificate Program
Hegis Code: 5501

Total Credits: 28-30

First Semester Credits

Directed Elective
Choose from:

EDU 101 Applied Behavior Analysis: Field Experience I 4
EDU 105 Introduction to Developmental Disabilities 3
ENG 100 Enhanced Composition I or
ENG 101 Composition I or
ENG 108 The Craft of Composition / Honors English I(1)
PSY 203 General Psychology I 3
Total Semester Credits 15-16
Second Semester Credits

Developmental Psychology Directed Elective
Choose from:


Directed Elective
Choose from:

EDU 102 Applied Behavior Analysis II: Field Experience: Practicum 4

Mathematics, Computer Science or Lab Science Elective

  • AHS 131 Anatomy and Physiology I or
  • BIO 101 Introduction to College Biology I
Total Semester Credits 13-14

Gainful Employment Disclosure Information

  1. Depending on placement

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